lmms s**tposts comming soon.
they're just extratone and ear injuries. enjoy!
low quality projects. i do stuff and try what i can.
NG Academy
somewhere on earth
Joined on 3/22/24
Posted by KisanoWasTaken - November 23rd, 2024
lmms s**tposts comming soon.
they're just extratone and ear injuries. enjoy!
Posted by KisanoWasTaken - October 30th, 2024
sorry i forgot that NG existed and i barely finished anything these days. i'm not going to use the same shitty excuse of OhiWAsTOObUsY again this time.
I was lazy and I'm sorry for it. Yes I have a lot in life to do, but that doesn't excuse my disappearence. I hope I can at least give something for it.
At least, take an apple
Posted by KisanoWasTaken - July 10th, 2024
So, I've recently heard that 2 of my favourite games will be having their 10th anniversery soon. I love them, so I'll be producing a pretty hefty piece of fanwork for them. WHY IS IT THAT I'M ONLY BEING TOLD NOW??
First, FNAF. It's literally what got me one of my best friends back then, and after that, one of the few things I never stopped loving (even after getting berated for it).
Second, OneShot, or rather, the original version. I discovered this much later in life, during a VERY cringey phase in life. I played once, and really loved it. It felt really emotional to me.
Obviously, I'll be gone for a while and most other projects have been put on hold, so stay tuned!
Posted by KisanoWasTaken - July 7th, 2024
So, I wasn't joking in my last post. I'm actually doing this. It may take a while though.
Posted by KisanoWasTaken - July 6th, 2024
You people gave me a very bad idea of a song to make. Finally a reason to stop being lazy. A song that might never even be started. But who knows...?
Posted by KisanoWasTaken - July 6th, 2024
The assignment was finally finished today and it went really well! Finally have time to work on the things I love!
(also, someone told me DDLC would be a good horror game to play. really, I believe they're trying to lie to me, but since, I like free games, I guess I'll play it. I am sure I'm being lied to tho)
Posted by KisanoWasTaken - June 28th, 2024
I'm back, and this time, my memory didn't fail me (don't question the time)! I have a VERY cruel school project, so I couldn't really do much this month. However, what I did do was quite interesting...
First of all, I took up making modcharts for NotITG (funny ddr clone is all i'll say) and it's really fun! Problem is, the only remotley reliable documentation is either pre-historic, no longer updated or simply lost media, so it'll take a while. It's also one thing that's holding up PRAS, so yeah. Make better documentation people!
Second, I've taken up drawabox.com. The demads are gruelling, but I'll be fine. I really want to improve in art and all kinds of things, so I'll cope. (if only there were a drawabox for music...)
As for project arrowstorm...
Well, I've neglected to do any editing for log 3, so sorry! I hope to release it this weekend (NO PROMISES). Also, an update will take a looong while with how full my schedule is to be (project, game jam, OST jam, not easy), so please be patient. I'm trying my best.
Final thing. Simply Love fork called simply hate. all I'll say.
Also, I know I speak to no one in particular, but it feels nice typing out life like this. Besides, it keeps track of my progress, at least.
That it for now.
Love from the UK,